Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Objectionable but not compromising"

People who follow their news do not need to know where this scintillating quote comes from.

Cops seem to have a new found fascination for decorated language. They want to let the whole world know that their English is as good as Shakespeare himself.

I mean ..what the hell .. objectionable but not compromising .. ????

Please educate me on what position would qualify as objectionable but not compromising. This kind of talk comes from people who dont know what they are talking, who are so unsure of their facts that they have to resort to such moronic language to confuse people and let them interpret these twisted words according to their fancy (which is exactly what a rogue idiotic excuse of a news channel did).

Man !! .. If aarushi's father comes out clean on this one .. Cops should expand to "Compromising (and) Objectionable Protection Squad".

Thursday, June 12, 2008

For an Angel

Silken feel of your touch, softer than a newborn's cry
Sweet fragrance of your scent, sweeter than jasmines blooming to the dawning sun
Lure of your lips, like a red rose kissed by the morning's dew
A shy face beneath those flowing locks, like a cold night's mist veiling the shining moon
That binding spell in your eyes, magical than God's love
your smile so divine, that can lighten up a dying man's day
You make me want to touch .. You make me want to feel

Love so pure your heart holds , pure as water taking birth in heaven's clouds
Joy and Smiles you spread , happiness wants to be happy as you
In you I see a child , when you go naughty
In you I see a mother , when you bless everyone with your care
A smile, a giggle, a laugh ., Give me these in return for my love
You make me want to love .. You make me want to live

- Me