Thursday, July 14, 2005

War of the Gods

Yesterday I watched "War of the Worlds" .. captivating movie, what with the alien ships sucking human blood, spewing intestines all over the place, vaporising humans into thin air and all. 'This is total extermination !!' claimed an actor in the movie who looked more alien than the aliens. Anyway this movie is not going to be the interest of this blog.

A thought continued to linger in my mind after the movie .. what if humans were to really face their end, it has happened before to the Dinos, it can happen again. NatGeo claims an asteroid is hurtling towards the earth and is predicted to make contact in 2880. If humans are 'exterminated', what happens to their beliefs, their Gods ?? . Didn't the Dinos have Gods to protect them from extermination .. may be they were not smart enough to invent God.

History has shown that a new religion was born everytime a good man preached his way of life to people .. he was eventually declared God by his followers and worshipped through the ages. The most widely accepted religion was adopted because of many wars waged by it's crusaders over many centuries.

Now we have a separate God for every religion ... lands divided on religion ... humans obsessed with 'exterminating' people of other religions .. humans destroying others' places of worship, the list never ends. Ayodhya is such a tragedy, two religions in constant conflict with each other just 'coz a wily ruler wanted to get a kick out of a sadistic idea. Now the only thing anyone has to ever do to put this country into total turmoil is to remove two bricks each from the mosque and the temple (while all the cameras in the world are watching, mind you). Humans will go beserk even in places that were never heard of before. The recent bombing attempt in ayodhya got all such guys worked up, hooligans in small towns like Hassan came onto the streets 'protesting' against the bombing, holding up the traffic, breaking a few window panes, taking a representation to the local government office, threatening the officer/government with dire consequences if the bombers and everybody involved was not brought to justice. (why dont they take their butts and placards to terrorist camps in kashmir and protest there ?? ). Woww .. what an arousing sense of devotion towards their religion, pity they had to destroy their own property and cause harm to their own people whilst showing this devotion. What happened in Hassan is the mildest form of rioting, in other places where bigger religious psychos flourish, the results can be devastating.

The neo-humans have even gone hitech, they form newsgroups, do painful research ,publish their ideas and beliefs in fabulous sentences with hard hitting words, they assume they bear the burden of enlightening people about the greatness of their forgotten religion (Does neohinduquest ring a bell? there are a million other ways to help humanity than harping about religions to young school children).Amidst all these thoughts, I wonder why can't this highly evolved animal called man live and let live while he still roams this planet ??